Tags: Speech Structure

public speaking course

Developing key messages (misunderstood and over-rated)

Prospective clients often request workshops or courses to “develop key
public speaking pyramid

Behold the public speaking pyramid

There’s a lot of public speaking advice out there (our new

Lessons from seeing Al Gore speak

Brett was rewarded for his contribution to the 2014 Al

putting yourself in the story

Straight to video: put thyself in the story

Time to premiere (unleash?) another video. This cinematic masterpiece is

Public Speaking

Public speaking – 11 thoughts you don’t want your audience to think

Too few public speakers make the most of their opportunity

your audience

Thoughts you don’t want your audience to think #3

#3 Get to the good bit We recently watched this


Thoughts you don’t want audiences to think #5

Thought #5: Where is this going? It’s a boring truth

Let's Talk